
Date Information Link
2016/11/20-25 Shlomo Havlin 特任教授(WRHI)
2016/10/31- Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen 特任教授(WRHI)
2016/11/22-27 Didier Sornette 特任教授(WRHI)
2017/2/27-3/2 Shlomo Havlin 特任教授(WRHI)
2017/3/27-3/31 Dr.Fatimah Abdul Razak (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
2017/3/27-4/7 Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen 特任教授(WRHI)
2017/9/4-9/8 Shlomo Havlin 特任教授(WRHI)
2017/12/10-22 Mr. Orr Levy (Bar-Ilan University)
2017/12/19-22 Shlomo Havlin 特任教授(WRHI)
2018/1/9-12 Eugene Stanley特任教授(University of Boston)
2018/2/13-18 Didier Sornette 特任教授 (WRHI)
2018/2/17-25 Mr. Andrea Cairoli (Imperial College London)
2018/3/5-19 Mr. Alberto Ciacci (Imperial College London)
2018/3/6-10 Mr. Gunner Pruessner (Imperial College London)
2018/4/8-21 Henrik Jensen 特任教授 (WRHI)
2018/4/7-23 Dr. Paul Expert (Imperial College London)
2018/4/9-15 Prof. Mauricio Barahona (Imperial College London)
2018/4/15-21 Dr. Tim Evans (Imperial College London)
2018/410-19 Mr. Murat Erkurt (Imperial College London)
2018/4/7-19 Dr. Fernando Rosas (Imperial College London)
2018/5/27-31 Shlomo Havlin 特任教授 (WRHI)
2018/5/27-30 Mr. Orr Levy (Bar-Ilan University)
2018/9/3-9/6 Shlomo Havlin 特任教授 (WRHI)
2018/11/18-22 Shlomo Havlin 特任教授 (WRHI)
2018/11/18-22 Mr. Orr Levy (Bar-Ilan University)
2018/11/18-22 Didier Sornette 特任教授 (WRHI)
2018/11/25-12/1 Henrik Jensen 特任教授 (WRHI)
2018/11/25-12/1 Mr. Eduardo Viegas (Imperial College London)
2019/2/18-2/21 Shlomo Havlin 特任教授 (WRHI)
2019/2/19-2/23 Eugene Stanley 特任教授 (WRHI)
2019/3/2-3/22 Alberto Ciacci準客員若手研究員 (Imperial College London)
2019/3/18-3/19 Didier Sornette 特任教授 (WRHI)
2019/4/2-4/5 Henrik Jensen 特任教授 (WRHI)
2019/6/17-6/19 Shlomo Havlin 特任教授 (WRHI)
2019/10/2-10/11 Mr. Eduardo Viegas (Imperial College London)
2019/10/7-10/11 Henrik Jensen 特任教授 (WRHI)
2019/10/8-11/15 Alberto Ciacci準客員若手研究員 (Imperial College London)
2019/11/11-11/14 Shlomo Havlin 特任教授 (WRHI)
2019/12/10-12/13 Didier Sornette 特任教授 (WRHI)
2020/1/20-1/22 Shlomo Havlin 特任教授 (WRHI)
2022/9/26-10/12 Eduardo Viegas 特定准教授 (WRH)
2022/10/3-10/14 Henrik Jensen 特任教授 (Imperial College London/IIR海外招聘研究者プログラム)
2022/11/28-11/30 Shlomo Havlin 特任教授 (WRH)
2022/12/8-2023/1/4 伊藤 隆敏 特定教授 (コロンビア大学/IIR海外招聘研究者プログラム)
2023/3/13-3/15 Shlomo Havlin 特任教授 (WRH)
2023/4/17-5/2 Eduardo Viegas 特任准教授 (WRH)
2023/6/26-6/28 Shlomo Havlin 特任教授 (WRH)
2023/8/28-9/22 Eduardo Viegas 特任准教授 (WRH)
2023/9/4-9/15 Henrik Jensen 特任教授 (Imperial College London)
2024/1/9-1/26 Eduardo Viegas 特任准教授 (WRH)
2024/2/1-2024/4/30 Fan Wang 準客員若手研究員(Bar-Ilan University)
2024/3/25-3/27 Shlomo Havlin 特任教授 (WRH)
2024/4/4-4/25 Eduardo Viegas 特任准教授 (WRH)
2024/7/1-7/3 Shlomo Havlin 特任教授 (WRH)
2024/9/9-9/11 Shlomo Havlin 特任教授(WRH)
2024/10/2-10/11, 2024/10/24-10/29 Dr. Yoed Kenett (Assistant Professor, Israel Institute of Technology)
2024/10/3-10/25 Eduardo Viegas 特任准教授(WRH)
2024/12/9-12/13 Henrik Jensen 特任教授 (Imperial College London)