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Current Members

※When you send the email, please change "_at_" to "@".

Core member

Misako Takayasu Professor
Department of Computer Science, School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Theme: Social Econophysics, Bigdata Science
E-mail :
Junichi Ozaki Assistant Professor
School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Theme: Condensed-matter physics
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Yamashita Rios de Sousa, Arthur Matsuo Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Theme: Applied Mathematics, Data Science, Econophysics
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Tanzila Islam Research Staff
School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Theme: Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics
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Visiting member

Shlomo Havlin Specially Appointed Professor (WRH)
School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Bar-Ilan University)
Theme: Complex networks, Statistical physics
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Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen Specially Appointed Professor
School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Imperial College London)
Theme: Complex systems, Eco-mathmatics
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Hideki Takayasu Specially Appointed Professor
School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Theme: Econophysics, Multivariate analysis
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Eduardo Viegas Specially Appointed Associate Professor (WRH)
School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Imperial College London)
Theme: Financial Risk Management of Complex Systems
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Gen Sakoda Specially Appointed Associate Professor (Lecturer)
School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Sony Group Corp.)
Theme: Time Series Analysis, Database System
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Kenta Yamada Tokyo Tech Research Fellow
School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology (University of the Ryukyus)
Theme: Socio- & Econo-Physics
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Suguru YamanakaTokyo Tech Research Fellow
School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Aoyama Gakuin University)
"Theme: Mathematical Engineering, Finance"
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Yohei Shida Tokyo Tech Research Fellow
School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology (University of Tsukuba)
Theme: Sociophysics, Econophysics, Data science
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Office Administrator

Maki Torii
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Akiko Akaha
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Doctor's Course Students

D3 Wu Qianyun (Artificial Intelligence)
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D3 Yixuan Zheng (Systems and Control Engineering)
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D3 Hajime Koike (Artificial Intelligence)
2023.4.1~ JSPS Research Fellow
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D2 Zhong Zhihua (Artificial Intelligence)
2024.4.1~ JSPS Research Fellow
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D2 Rie Masukawa (Artificial Intelligence)
2024.4.1~ JSPS Research Fellow
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D2 Jiang Jiwei (Artificial Intelligence)
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D1 Kei Nagayama (Artificial Intelligence)
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Master's Course Students

M2 Fumihiro Ito (Artificial Intelligence)
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M2 Satoshi Mori (Artificial Intelligence)
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M1 Daiki Tokumoto (Systems and Control Engineering)
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M1 Daisuke Ando (Artificial Intelligence)
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M1 Takumi Komiyama (Artificial Intelligence)
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M1 Wakaba Saito (Artificial Intelligence)
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M1 Na Kang (Artificial Intelligence)
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M1 Ken Nagumo (Artificial Intelligence)
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M1 Yuto Yoshinari (Artificial Intelligence)
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Undergraduate Students

B4 Haruka Ito (Computer Science)
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B4 Yu Yoshikawa (Computer Science)
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Honorary Unit Members

Suguru Yamanaka Specially Appointed Associate Professor
H30.9.1~R5.3.31 Center for TDB Advanced Data Analysis and Modeling
Takatoshi Ito Visiting Professor
R2.9.1~R4.3.31 WRHI
Vittoria Colizza Visiting Professor
R2.9.1~R4.3.31 WRHI
Paul Expert Visiting Associate Professor
R2.9.1~R4.3.31 WRHI
H. Eugene Stanley Specially Appointed Professor
H30.1.9~R2.3.31 WRHI
Didier Sornette Specially Appointed Professor
H28.11.23~R4.3.31 WRHI

Honorary Members

Yohei Shida (2023.1.1~ Tokyo Tech Research Fellow)
Assistant Professor, University of Tsukuba
E-mail :
Yuichiro Kobayashi (2021.4.1~2023.3.31 Tokyo Tech Research Fellow)
Assistant Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University
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Yamashita Rios de Sousa, Arthur Matsuo (2019.4.16~2020.3.31 Research Staff, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Czech Academy of Sciences Assistant Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University
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Takumi Sueshige (2017.4.1~2019.9.30 JSPS Research Fellow)
KPMG Ignition Tokyo
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Alberto Ciacci(2019.3.2~2019.3.22 Visiting Junior Fellow)
Imperial College London
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Kenta Yamada (2018.4.1~2019.8.31 Specially Appointed Associate Professor (Lecturer), Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Associate Professor, University of the Ryukyus
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Yoshihiro Yura (H30.4.1~H31.4.30 Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
MUFG Bank, Ltd.
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Kiyoshi Kanazawa (H28.4.1~H31.3.31 Assistant Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Associate Professor, University of Tsukuba
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Sandro Claudio Lera(H 29.4.3~H 29.6.5 Visiting Junior Fellow)
ETH Zurich
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Julian Maluck (H27.12.1~H28.5.31 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research Abroad)
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Kiyoshi Kanazawa (~31st March 2016 JSPS Research Fellow)
Assistant Professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology (H28.4.1~H31.3.31)
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Koutarou Tamura (~31st March 2016 JSPS Research Fellow)
Specially Appointed Assistant Professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology (H28.4.1~H30.3.31)
E-mail :
Yoshihiro Yura (~30th November 2015 JSPS Research Fellow)
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Investment TEChnology Institute Co., Ltd.
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Nicky Zachariou (H24.1.23~H24.3.22 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research Abroad)
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Kenta Yamada (~31th March 2011 JSPS Research Fellow)
National Institute of Informatics (H30.4.1~ Specially Appointed Lecturer at Tokyo Institute of Technology)
E-mail :
Yukie Sano (~31th March 2010 JSPS Research Fellow)
Assistant Professor at Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, the University of Tsukuba
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Kouta Watanabe (~31th March 2010 JSPS Research Fellow)
Assistant Professor at School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences , Meiji University
E-mail :
Takayuki Mizuno (~31th March 2007 JSPS Research Fellow)
Associate Professor at National Institute of Informatics
E-mail : mizuno_at_ nii. ac. jp

Past Research Theme

* : JSPS Research Fellow

** :Government-financed foreign student

2023 fiscal year

Rintaro Aritaディーラーモデルによる為替介入のシミュレーションMaster (Science)
Ryosuke Susutaブログ・GPSデータを用いたCovid-19感染拡大予測についてMaster (Science)
Kei Nagayama企業間取引ネットワーク上の連鎖倒産モデルの構築とシミュレーションMaster (Science)
Daisuke Ando家電製品の販売データを用いた販売数予測のモデル構築Bachelor (Science)
Takumi Komiyama日本企業の財務データ及び取引関係を用いた機械学習による倒産企業の予測Bachelor (Science)
Wakaba Saito企業間取引ネットワーク上における重力相互作用モデルのシミュレーションBachelor (Engineering)
Masaaki Shoji70万社の財務データに基づく企業倒産要因の抽出Bachelor (Engineering)
Rikuo Matsumura旅行者の移動効果を入れたCOVID-19の感染拡大モデルの開発Bachelor (Science)

2022 fiscal year

Takumi SuzukiPOS データに基づく商品販売店舗数の分析と販売戦略モデルによるシミュレーションMaster (Engineering)
Takuya Wada高次元データを用いた信頼区間下限戦略による高密度領域の抽出Master (Science)
Rie Masukawaマウス腸内細菌叢の抗生剤による擾乱と菌叢動態の数理モデルMaster (Science)
Takaaki Ito日本企業の大規模データを用いた機械学習による信用リスク分析モデルの開発Master (Science)
Jiang Jiwei時系列データにおけるファットテール分布の特性と拡張された ランダム 乗算過程によるモデル化Master (Science)
Shuhei Ito企業と銀行の融資関係データに基づく2部グラフの解析Bachelor (Science)
Fumihiro Ito為替市場における価格変動と板情報の変化の関係性の解析Bachelor (Science)
Rodan UmeharaGPSデータを用いた電気回路型人流モデルによるCOVID-19の影響の評価Bachelor (Science)
Daiki Tokumotoブログの単語出現頻度時系列に見られるテイラーのスケーリング則Bachelor (Engineering)
Yohei ShidaAnalysis and Modeling of Collective Human Flow in Metropolitan Areas Based on GPS DataDoctor (Science)
Yuichiro Kobayashi日本企業にみられる規模変数のスケーリング関係と状態空間における時間発展パターンDoctor (Science)

2021 fiscal year

Hajime Koike正則リング格子とベーテ格子上の重力相互作用モデルの拡散局在転移Master (Science)
Kazuha Mori企業間取引ネットワークデータに基づく連鎖倒産モデルの構築とデータ解析による考察Master (Engineering)
Hiroki Watari多変量Hawkes過程を用いた超高速取引トレーダーの注文頻度解析Master (Science)
Jonathan PongObservation of human diffusion patterns at train stations by using GPS dataMaster (Science)
Rintaro Aritaディーラーモデルによる金融市場の基本的特質の再現Bachelor (Science)
Ryuta Shinizu重力相互作用モデルによる売上被災額の推定Bachelor (Engineering)
Ryosuke SusutaGPSデータおよびブログデータを用いたCovid-19感染拡大予測Bahelor (Science)
Kei Nagayama企業間取引ネットワークにおけるコミュニティ検出Bacheloer (Science)

2020 fiscal year

Gen Sakoda販売データの統計的性質の解析と時系列分析及びその応用Doctor (Science)
Keita Takaichi日本企業100万社の位相空間中での速度場のモデル化Master (Science)
Motoki Terada日本企業70万社の財務データからみる新規参入企業の特性Master (Science)
Ryota Kamaya企業信用データを用いた地域未来牽引企業の成長要因分析Master (Science)
Takuya Wada大規模データによる企業の成長要因の分析Bachelor (Science)
Rie Masukawa腸内細菌叢のデータ解析と相互作用の数理モデルBachelor (Science)
Takaaki ItoGPSデータを用いたコロナ禍における個人の行動パターン変化の分析Bachelor (Science)

2019 fiscal year

Takumi Sueshige*外国為替市場における個別トレーダの戦略分類と価格形成メカニズムの解明Doctor (Science)
Satoshi Shiota高頻度時系列データを用いた変化点検出方法の提案Master (Science)
Kento Moritaブログ空間におけるブロガーの投稿間隔の解析とモデル化Master (Science)
Takumi Arai外国為替市場の価格時系列を用いたディーラモデルのパラメータ推定Master (Science)
Ko Okutomi企業間取引ネットワーク情報を用いた売上寄与率の計算方法の提案と応用Master (Science)

2018 fiscal year

Taisei Mukai動的な企業間取引構造モデルのエージェント・シミュレーションDoctor (Engineering)
Jean-Francois BoilardProbabilistic Market Microstructure Analysis of Injected and Annihilated Orders in Foreign Currency MarketDoctor (Science)
Yamashita Rios de Sousa, Arthur MatsuoMathematical Foundation of PUCK Model with Fluctuating Potential and Time Series Analysis of Financial MarketsDoctor (Science)
Emiko Takagiブログ記事間の類似度を用いた情報拡散ネットワーク構築とそれを用いた投稿内容の分類方法Master (Science)
Yohei ShidaGPS データを用いた人の流動解析と数理モデリングMaster (Science)
Kento Saito外国為替市場における市場参加者の取引ネットワークMaster (Engineering)

2017 fiscal year

Yohei Kondo品目別世界貿易データの多層ネットワーク解析Master (Science)
Naruaki Takano企業間取引の地理空間解析と空間ネットワークモデルの提案Bachelor (Science)
Yuki Takaku位置情報データを用いた人の流れにおける拡散現象の解析Bachelor (Science)
Kento Moritaブログデータを用いた映画タイトルの頻度時系列分析Bachelo (Science)
Hayato Goto複雑ネットワークの生成過程における不安定性の解明とその応用Doctor (Science)

2016 fiscal year

Hirokazu KawamotoElucidation of percolation transition in a Japanese business relations network and its applicationsDoctor (Science)
Yuta MurakamiDifference in Order Book Distribution during Trend Behavior of Foreign Exchange MarketMaster (Science)
Tomoya HamanoA dealer model of foreign exchange market with finite assetsMaster (Science)
Yuta MurakamiSpatio-temporal of Inter-firm Trading Network and Its ApplicationMaster (Science)
Kazuma NaritaStatistical propereties of Complex network modelsBachelor (Science)

2015 fiscal year

Koutarou TamuraAn empirical model of transport process on a complex network and theoretical analysis of its propertiesDoctor (Science)
Gaku FukunagaCustomer quantities dependency on fluctuations of sales quantities by product category in convenience storesMaster (Science)
Takuro OmineCharacteristic analysis of PUCK Model using exponential movingMaster (Science)
Aiki YogaiVerification of gravitational interaction models for business firms' transaction networkMaster (Science)
Boilard Jean-FrancoisQuantitative Analysis of Cancellation Orders in Foreign Exchange MarketMaster (Science)
Yamashita Rios De Sousa , Arthur Matsuo**Statistical Symmetries in Sign Time Series: Analysis of Foreign Exchange DataMaster (Science)

2014 fiscal year

Yoshihiro Yura*Mathematical Modeling of Fluctuation-Dissipation theorem in the exchange marketDoctor (Science)
Masahiro UeharaInteraction of prices in the multi-currency marketMaster (Science)
Mizuki KuriharaAnalysis of corporate information data based on business relationship networkMaster (Science)
Kazuya SatoSimulation of boom formation in the social networkMaster (Engineering)
Masashi MatsuzakiAnalysis of the degree correlation of scale-free networkMaster (Science)

2013 fiscal year

Yukie Sano*Analysis and modeling of the time series of word appearance frequency in social mediaDoctor (Science)
Wataru Miura*Construction of growth model in complex networks and its applicationsDoctor (Science)
Hirokazu KawamotoAnalysis of percolation phase transition and scaling law in complex networksMaster (Science)
Wataru YamazakiObservation and modeling of the fluctuations of sales using POS dataMaster (Science)

2012 fiscal year

Hayafumi Wanabe*Analysis and modeling of inter-firm interactions on the view from statistical physicsDoctor (Science)
Akihiro KasaharaFirm categorization using financial statistics of one million Japanese firmsMaster (Engineering)
Koutarou TamuraAn empirical model of transport process on a complex network and theoretical analysis of its propertiesMaster (Science)
Tsuyoshi DeguchiAnalysis of World Trade Web StructureMaster (Science)
Yoshihiro YuraRapid Detection of Non-linear Parameters in Foreign Exchagnge Markets and FormulationMaster (Science)
Kazuya SatoData analysis and simulation of boom dynamics in the blogosphereBachelor (Engineering)

2011 fiscal year

Shotaro KominamiNew Risk Management Method Using the PUCK ModelMaster (Engineering)
Koshiro YumigetaThe Analysis of Cross-Correlations in POS Data of Consumer ElectronicsMaster (Science)
Kenta MatsunagaConstruction of the spread dealer model and its applicationMaster (Engineering)
Wataru YamazakiStudy on estimation of dynamical Poisson parameter in purchasing behaviorBachelor (Engineering)

2010 fiscal year

Hiromichi Ueno*Establishment of analytical methods of large-scale POS data and its applicationDoctor (Engineering)
Yoshito OhyaStatistical property of matrix type Random Multiplicaticative ProcessMaster (Science)
Yukio GotoOptimal sales strategy considering temperature dependence using high frequensy POS dataMaster (Engineering)
Naoki BitoModeling of the board information in the exchange marketMaster (Engineering)
Wataru MiuraStatistical properties of business relationship network and the growth modelMaster (Science)
Nariyuki Urushima Simulation of efficient intervention in foreign exchange marketsBachelor (Engineering)

2009 fiscal year

Kenta Yamada*Construction of the standard dealer model in financial markets and its applicationDoctor (Science)
Kota Watanabe*The detection of dynamical properties in financial markets by usign the high order PUCK modelDoctor (Science)
Takanori NakaiEuropean Corrency Option Pricing with PUCK ModelMaster (Engineering)

2008 fiscal year

Ko ArakiStudy on optimal sales method using high precision sales data of convenient storesMaster (Science)
ShinjiroSamejimaNetwork structures of 800,000 companies in JapanMaster (Science)
Hayafumi WatanabeCentral limit theorem of random multiplicative processes and application to firm statisticsMaster (Engineering)
Yohei WatanabeAnalysis and modeling of the order book of London stock marketMaster (Science)

2007 fiscal year

Hiromichi UenoStatistical analysis of POS data set in supermarketMaster (Science)
Naoaki OkamotoResearch of Error Estimation of Risks using Potential of Unbalanced Complex Kinetics in Financial MarketsMaster (Science)

2006 fiscal year

Masayuki TsuboiDiscriminate Alzhimer Disese From Normal with EEGMaster (Science)
Kenta YamadaAnalyzing statistical properties of financial markets using simple dealer modelsMaster (Science)